Sunday, March 29

Tuesday, March 24

The First Night

The worst thing about death must be
the first night.
— Juan Ramon

Before I opened you, Jiménez,
it never occurred to me that day and night
would continue to circle each other in the ring of death,

but now you have me wondering
if there will also be a sun and a moon
and will the dead gather to watch them rise and set

then repair, each soul alone,
to some ghastly equivalent of a bed.
Or will the first night be the only night,

a darkness for which we have no other name?
How feeble our vocabulary in the face of death,
How impossible to write it down.

This is where language will stop,
the horse we have ridden all our lives
rearing up at the edge of a dizzying cliff.

The word that was in the beginning
and the word that was made flesh—
those and all the other words will cease.

Even now, reading you on this trellised porch,
how can I describe a sun that will shine after death?
But it is enough to frighten me

into paying more attention to the world’s day-moon,
to sunlight bright on water
or fragmented in a grove of trees,

and to look more closely here at these small leaves,
these sentinel thorns,
whose employment it is to guard the rose.

-Billy Collins

Obama likes Tang

Obama hung out with some kids today, and called space.

“Do you guys still drink Tang up there?” asked President Obama to laughter. “I’ve got Bill Nelson here, and he says that’s been taken off the menu. That’s, by the way, before the time of you young people. We used to drink Tang.”

Speaking of the Beatles

Berrur, Berrur, Berrur, Berrur AHHH!

Everyone's favorite little asian baby.

Advice to Young Poets

Never pretend
to be a unicorn
by sticking a plunger on your head
-Martín Espada

Thursday, March 19

What time is it?

! Human clock time!

Weighing The Dog

It is awkward for me and bewildering for him
as I hold him in my arms in the small bathroom,
balancing our weight on the shaky blue scale,

but this is the way to weigh a dog and easier
than training him to sit obediently on one spot
with his tongue out, waiting for the cookie.

With pencil and paper I subtract my weight
from our total to find out the remainder that is his,
and I start to wonder if there is an analogy here.

It could not have to do with my leaving you
though I never figured out what you amounted to
until I subtracted myself from our combination.

You held me in your arms more than I held you
through all those awkward and bewildering months
and now we are both lost in strange and distant

-Billy Collins


Wednesday, March 18

I wish stories like this got more time on the front page of the New York Times. It was the top story for about .003 seconds there.

A 33-year-old actor was waiting for the subway to come, when a man fell onto the tracks, hitting his head on the rail and passing out.

Mr. Lindsey said he sensed a train was approaching, because the platform was crowded. “I dropped my bag and jumped down there. I tried to wake him up,” he said. “He probably had a massive concussion at that point. I jumped down there and he just wouldn’t wake up, and he was bleeding all over the place.”

He looked back up at the people on the platform. “I yelled, ‘Contact the station agent and call the police!’ which I think is hilarious because I don’t think I ever said ‘station agent’ before in my life. What am I, on ‘24’?”

You're sitting in a chair, in the sky.

But it doesn't go back a lot...

Keeping with the Star Wars theme...

Tuesday, March 17

Star Wars: Retold

Though I admit, I've seen all the movies and definitely could not remember all the details she knows.

The next Joker?


Once, two spoons in a bed,
now tined forks

across a granite table
and the knives they have hired.

-Billy Collins

Animated Joy.

Sometimes you have to forget why or how, and just be amazed at what can be.

Kissing the ceiling

Fred Muram takes wonderful pictures. Among them, a collection of people kissing the ceiling.

The quick brown dog jumped over the lazy Fox.

At least, I hope they're just being lazy.

What this is for.

I usually post things I really like on Facebook. But that seems so fleeting - two or three days later, the story sinks to the bottom of my wall, and disappears into the nothingness of neglected cyberspace. I figure it will be easier for me to have everything I love collected on one site. So here it is: whatever I find and love, I will post here. Maybe it'll make you happy, too.